Node crush
Since the network recovered, one node never updated their binance full node for binance hard fork, and their node is still down now. The team made best efforts to assist this node operator, but was never able to make contact with them despite broadcasting via this channel. For all intents and purposes, it appears this person has “fallen asleep at the wheel”. The team hopes that this person is ok, and is not in the hospital or something worse.
But the drama continues…
The network churned that node out (due to slash points), but because their binance node was down, the node was unable to return the funds in their yggdrasil vault in an orderly and timely fashion. Because of this, the network perceived their lack of compliance as “theft” and slashed their bond accordingly (1.5x the assets in the vault). Between the amount of rune that was slashed from their bond, and yggdrasil funds they are now able to keep, they lost a net ~50k rune (~$250k USD). The funds that were stolen from the pools were replaced with the rune taken from their bond, making the network and LPs whole again (and then some).
But thats not the end of it. This node may be churned back into the network (depending if their bifrost daemon is running properly or not), because their bond is still high enough for that to happen. This is a bug of the network, and resolved weeks ago for MCCN launch. If the node does churn back in, this node operator will continue to lose funds, donating them to the network via adding funds into either the pools and the reserve. In theory, they could lose the majority of their remaining bond, but not 100%.
The node operator didn’t done this, and the team encourage the other nodes to ban this node, preventing them from entering back into the network and lose more funds.